How to AirBnb:

How to Become an AirBnb Superhost in 14 Days

… give or take.

Mike 3enj4min
5 min readDec 6, 2019


So you probably want to know how to become a Superhost in a really short period of time, specifically 14 days. Of course you do, you clicked on the title. It is hard but it is possible. I mean, WE did it and we are no geniuses, at least not to my knowledge. 😅 Though we might have just been lucky.

(courtesy of pixabay)

So here is how this guide works: I will be citing the rules from the AirBnb help page and commenting on them below. Here we go!

Completed at least 10 trips OR completed 3 reservations that total at least 100 nights

So, as you can see we can’t complete 100 nights in 14 days according to my math…right? So we need 10 trips in 14 days. You could hope for 10 guests staying for 1 night each but that’s not realistic. The average guest, according to my experiences, stays between 1 and 3 days. So if you take the average of 2 days, you will have 7 trips in 14 days. That’s not enough. So the first “must have” to make it in 14 days is having multiple listings. With a minimum of 2 listings you will have about 14 trips in 14 days, assuming you don’t get lucky/unlucky and somebody books for a whole week. In our case, we had one apartment in Vienna (Austria) with 3 rooms listed. Tourists in Vienna are usually travelling through Europe and…



Mike 3enj4min

Traveling, writing, programming, designing, teaching and managing